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Exhibition "Goodbye, Word!". Reviews and comments. Nataliya Brovdi



Exhibition "Goodbye, Word!". Reviews and comments. Nataliya Brovdi

The co-founder of Art & Culture Foundation Brovdi Art Nataliya Brovdi:

"Two years ago, together with my husband Robert Brovdi, we established an art foundation in our native Transcarpathia. Its goal was not only to preserve and popularize the traditions of the legendary Transcarpathian school of Erdeli, Bokshai, Manailo but also to develop its new generation and contemporary art.

image-86-of-180.jpg — 162.92 kBOlena Frolova, Nataliya Brovdi, Ivan Frolov (Ukrainian designer) and Olha Kravchenko.

This, the opening of the exhibition of contemporary Transcarpathian art in Kyiv is an important event for our foundation. Although Robert could not come to the opening, on the eve of the exposition he was at the museum, evaluated the level of preparation of everything our guests and connoisseurs of contemporary art can see today. We are sincerely glad that Brovdi Art Foundation managed to implement such a powerful project, to bring a piece of the creative potential of Transcarpathia to the capital!

image-120-of-180.jpg — 376.57 kBJulia and Max Voloshyn, Nataliya Brovdi

I can only say that we have a lot of plans and projects for the future, they are very interesting. The foundation is young, but we move towards our goal in small steps. And if we do something, we do something worthy – like this exhibition.

image-163-of-180.jpg — 375.60 kBAnna Lukashevych, Nataliya Brovdi

Today, when I entered this room, my heart began to beat wildly; I just stood silently and listened… I felt that power, the energy of our region around. Probably, this is the main feeling that I would like to convey to all guests. There are surely no traditional for the classical Transcarpathian school mountains, landscapes, but here there is a part of Transcarpathia – it can be felt in the incredible energy of the works!

image-74-of-180.jpg — 415.03 kB Nataliya Brovdi with her son Alen

The exhibition "Goodbye, Word" was well received in Kyiv. Everyone was amazed because they saw something new, unexpected. I am very happy for all the artists, I am grateful for their works executed at a high level. There are a lot of art critics and gallery owners who admit that they were delighted! They are grateful that contemporary Transcarpathian school of painting finally came to the capital.

I’d also like to say that the curator Taras Tabaka managed to do everything within the framework of the conceived concept. This is a really good project. We are sincerely grateful to him and the scientific consultant, art historian Oksana Havrosh, who together with the Brovdi Art Foundation has successfully implemented the project! Contemporary art is gradually coming into our lives, and I really enjoy doing it."

Photos: Gregory Vishnevetsky
© Brovdi Art Foundation

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